Two IV formers are reading Mark Haddon's The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. Hanne Grainger : 'This is an extremely well-written book about an autistic boy called Christopher Boon. He is very intelligent, but people do not think so because of his autism. He is keen on becoming a detective, and when a dog is killed mysteriously next door, his adventure begins. It is a great book because you get to understand the way his mind works, and what problems autistic people have. It's brilliant!'
And Sarah Wilson : 'I thought this brilliant, because it shows you what it would be like to be an autistic boy, and the problems you would have to face. It was very entertaining, enjoyable and interesting.'

Woo Jin Jung : Holes, by Louis Sacher. 'I have enjoyed this book. It shows how the main character, Stanley Yelnats, lives in an approved school. He starts to make relationships, and to live in a strange place. I think this book tells us about relationships, and that's why I liked it.'
Allen Crampton : Regeneration, by Pat Barker. 'This novel is set in the Great War, and has many real-life encounters, based on Craiglockhart Hospital. Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, the famous war poets, feature. It gives us an insight into the trauma and after-effects of war, and shows what it does to people. It is quite heavy reading, but is very descriptive.'
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