Page One features Librarian Tom McConville's thoughts on the popularity of fantasy fiction -
"Riding dragons or broomsticks, breathing underwater, flying, changing shape and talking to animals are all things that were possible in our childhood imaginations, and reconnect us to childhood. Yet the quest aspect, as in all storytelling, symbolises life's reality: one leaves home (childhood and parents) to confront and conquer demons (inner and outer), finding one s place in the world (significance) and rescuing one's prince or princess along the way (love). Thus one achieves oneself, becoming a whole and unique adult, with the skills and independence necessary for the adult world. (In case this sounds patronising I might point out that many adults known to me personally are still on the way)."
Among the o

- A review by Rowland Cooper of Christopher Paolini's Eragon (the 'Book of the Year' in our World Book Day questionnaire).
- Several staff book recommendations (including Miss Kilfeather's recommendation of The Tortilla Curtain by T.C. Boyle)
- An article by Rebecca Feeney-Barry on this year's fund-raising for a school telescope (via the extraordinary 24-hour run organised by Mr Coldrick),
- An Irish cartoon by Poppy Vernon
- Three staff reviews : Mr Richard Brett's of Amo, Amas, Amat ('Put a Little Latin in your Life') by Harry Mount ("The fact that this book has risen so high in the bestseller list is at first sight surprising. Perhaps its subtitle How to become a Latin Lover tempted some inadequate purchasers on the Internet"); Dr Jeremy Stone's of the controversial Atlas of Creation; and by
Dr Garry Bannister of Greg Mortensen's Three Cups of Tea,
- Robert Murtagh's obituary of Old Columban Michael Yeats,
- The poem 'Windwheels' by Ben Russell (see today's other post),
- David Cooper's review of Joseph O'Connor's novel Star of the Sea.
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