Selected tweets, links, resources from the last week from our Twitter account:
- 49 techniques to become a 'champion teacher'? http://bit.ly/bGonpi
- Guardian launch new site http://tinyurl.com/35gzhd8 dedicated to technology in schools as teaching/learning tool.
- King Lear podcast 3: revision for Leaving Certificate. Albany and Kent: http://bit.ly/b49OfF.
- Thanks to Scoilnet for putting a link to our podcasts on their Post-Primary Students page: http://bit.ly/cZB3bK
- 'Krapp's Last Tape' at the Gate last night: great play, great playwright, great actor: http://bit.ly/drJZbC
- In pictures: Puffin's 70 best books for children http://bit.ly/aRK7VT.
- Mark Lawson talks w Andrew Motion re election for Oxford Professor of Poetry. BBC R4 http://bit.ly/cr0hND
- What do climate scientists make of Ian McEwan's "Solar"? http://bit.ly/dl8CpU
- Called 'Alone in Berlin' over here... RT @GrantaMag: on Hans Fallada’s stunning “Every Man Dies Alone" http://nyti.ms/b5RWFC
- 100 Most Educational iPhone Apps: http://tinyurl.com/nyvemw
- A lost world: names of 38 typewriters: http://bit.ly/aOXBG3
- New excellent free PDF mag 'Five Dials' out: 'Broken Britain', Alan Hollinghurst, 38 typewriters, Stephen Vizinczey: http://bit.ly/ciAmAQ
- 'The wonder of Wordles': http://bit.ly/9ELUZg
- Our own list (some overlap): http://bit.ly/bM06bZRT @mrspal "15 Fictional Boarding Schools We Wish Were Real" http://j.mp/cgGzcJ
- Congrats to Patrick McGonagle ,winner of Irish Times/YSI essay competition, attending award ceremony in Croke Park: http://bit.ly/9EwWJa
- Three word letter to the Irish Times today. "Ar ais aris." Genius.
- Sir Christopher Lee reads Jabberwocky: http://bit.ly/9PNcBC.
- I like this line from Lorrie Moore: "A reader gets in and out of a short story, like a cold bath."
- Lots of accessible useful poems for English classes at 'American Life in Poetry: a project for newspapers' : http://bit.ly/cevLdJ
- Go on, admit, it: we all like a little weep ... RT @GuardianBooks: Children's stories that can still make you cry http://bit.ly/aXERNv
- Nice activity when teaching Shakespeare: set up a character's 'Shakesbook' account: http://bit.ly/cD0BS2.
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