
Sunday, April 22, 2018

Junior Poetry Prize 2018

Congratulations to Emma Hinde, who has won this year's Junior Poetry Prize. Below are two from her winning portfolio. More by other good entrants will be posted in the coming days.


What is that?
I wonder.
I’m beginning to ponder
It really seems rooted in place.
It mimics my scream
So I tell it
"Ice cream"
And it says
"I scream. You scream."
I ask it
"What are you"
But it doesn’t reply
So I leave it.

The Eye of the Storm

A hurricane.
His thunderous challenge
Calling across the crashing sea
To an island.

Hidden gulls, dive bombing the waves
Pick up the rumble
This unearthly tremble
And understand;
They flee.

Whales, dolphins, sharks and fish
All know what it portends.
They head for shelter
In deeper waters;
They flee.

‘The kraken sleepeth’ they say;
But where?
The question they’re too scared to ask,
Afraid to know the answer.
Where indeed; and here they wink.

There is an explanation for earthquakes
More obvious than you’d think
The kraken snoreth...

And when he wakes, a noise...
Gnab gib.
The seas boil,
The whales dead,
And by no human means.

Global warming is eradicated
No more pollution in our air
No more us.

The kraken taketh flight;
The Earth is no more fun.
Perhaps the moon Europa next
But a snack before he’s gone.

Surely the opposite of our Big Bang.

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