The latest books in the Library are listed
here in full, and include, in junior fiction, Kevin Crossley-Holland's
Arthur : King of the Middle March, which completes the trilogy begun in
The Seeing Stone and continued in
At the Crossing Places.

In senior fiction, there is Kate Grenville's
The Secret River, reviewed
here in the
Guardian by Geraldine Bedell, as 'a sad book, beautifully written and, at times, almost unbearable with the weight of loss, competing distresses and the impossibility of making amends.'
In non-fiction, Michael Longley's new
Collected Poems, mentioned
here previously,

Josephine Hart's
Catching Life by the Throat - how to read poetry and why, which includes a CD of readings by actors such as Roger Moore, Juliet Stephenson and Ralph Fiennes of poems by W.H. Auden, T.S. Eliot, Philip Larkin, Emily Dickinson, Marianne Moore, Rudyard Kipling, Sylvia Plath and W B Yeats.
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