
Friday, May 04, 2007

Photos, Night-time

Sophie Millar's two entries for the Junior Poetry Prize :-

'Photos', by Sophie Millar

she closed her eyes,
blindfolded and protected

she didn't want to see who had left

maybe an honest smile had disappeared
or the carefree hair

was it the clear skin with natural flush
or the favourite teddy bear

instead she closed her eyes,
blindfolded and protected

she laughed with the speech of truth
she laughed at the speech of fake

she treasured the sound of a smile in a voice

and she closed her eyes,
blindfolded and protected

she escaped into the sounds
and ran with the flow of words

she dodged the bites and stings of haste
and sought comfort in the running race

that’s why she closed her eyes,
blindfolded and protected

'Night-time', by Sophie Millar

Where did all these questions come from?
Can’t you leave them with someone else?
And not face them until you’ve forgotten?
You do not trust yourself to think
The answers you don’t want to face

The volume of music isn’t sinking them
Nor the drum beats scaring them
Running isn’t tiring them
Nor crying melting them
Only thinking is pulling them deeper

It’s worse to watch you now
I give you my hand
But you’re too far away
I do not see you now
I await your return
Hurry back now
Because I do not trust myself to think

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