
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Reading for teenage boys

The issue of teenage reading has entered the British Labour Party deputy leadership campaign, as the Education Secretary across the water, Alan Johnson, announced today that from a list of 160 books 'every state secondary school in England will be able to choose 20 of the titles in order to set up a dedicated "boys' bookshelf" in the library.' The Guardian reports that 'the list, which was drawn up by librarians from the School Library Association, is dominated by high-octane adventure stories which it is expected will appeal to the 11-to-14 age group. It is during these years that boys who were enthusiastic readers at primary school tend to put down their books and forget to pick them up again.'

At SCC we don't seem to see such forgetfulness - boys borrow lots of books from our excellent Library and there's an enthusiastic reading culture in the school.

Click here for the full English list.

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