
Thursday, March 03, 2011

World Book Day Survey

We've been posting recommendations from our reading survey for many days now (and there are plenty more to come). The survey will remain open for quite a while. Meanwhile, here are some interim results (full results in due course).

This is now many books I read each month...
1-2: 37%
3-5: 43%
6-8: 9%
More than 8: 11%

I like to read...
In bed: 78%
In a comfy chair: 63%
On my travels: 61%
On the beach: 31%
In the bath: 21%
In the kitchen: 13%
(more than one choice allowed, thus more than 100%)

I like reading...
(Auto)Biography: 55%
'Literary' fiction: 50%
Detective/Crime fiction: 46%
Short stories: 45%
Thrillers: 33%
(more than one choice allowed, thus more than 100%)

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